Bra Miljöval

Bra Miljöval is a Swedish ecolabel established in 2002 and managed by the Swedish Society for Nature Conservation (Svenska Naturskyddsföreningen).


Bra Miljöval is a Swedish ecolabel established in 2002 and managed by the Swedish Society for Nature Conservation (Svenska Naturskyddsföreningen).

In 2020, more than 10,000 GWh of electricity labeled with Bra Miljöval are sold in Sweden, which involved 150 Swedish energy companies, of which 55 were permitted to sell Bra Miljöval to power users.


The goal is to reduce the negative impact of renewable electricity production on the environment and improve energy efficiency to reduce energy use.

Bra Miljöval acquisition

The acquisition shall meet general requirements and requirements for each type of renewable energy.

General requirements:

  1. The power must come from renewable sources such as hydro, wind, solar, biomass or biogas.

  2. The power must have environmental benefits. Power labeled with Bra Miljöval shall donate 500 Swedish krona per renewable energy certificate (REC) to the Good Environmental Choice Energy Fund.

  3. The production site must be in Europe. If it is outside of Sweden, consultation with the Swedish Society for Nature Conservation is required and it must be located in countries regulated by the Association of Issuing Bodies (AIB) and linked to the European Energy Certificate System (EECS) for later cancellation in Sweden.

The specifications of requirements of each type of renewable energy can be found in the Bra Miljöval power regulation manual.

Acquisition of Bra Miljöval renewable energy certificate

Bra Miljöval will verify renewable energy that has obtained the Guarantee of Origin (GO), the only certificate eligible for renewable energy certificates of OK energy so far.


  1. Bra Miljöval
Grüner Strom Label
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