
June 27, 2023

Quang Binh Province aims to be Vietnam’s biggest green energy center

The Quang Binh Provincial People's Committee of Vietnam stated in the 2021-2030 (2050 Vision) Quang Binh Provincial Plan, the province plans to develop large-scale green energy power generation and become Vietnam’s largest green energy center.
May 17, 2023

Singapore expands green finance plan to decarbonize economy

The Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) has announced that to decarbonize the economy, Singapore will expand its focus, which is now solely on green finance, to the one that also includes transition finance by mapping out clear definitions, encouraging
March 14, 2023

EU unveils measures to prevent industrial decline amid green transition

The European Union is a global leader in reducing carbon emissions, but it is also taking steps to ensure that the green transition does not turn it into an industrial desert, with a raft of measures set to be announced next week.
March 10, 2023

Canada eyes bigger share in global green technology sector

Canada will boost investments in the green transition in this year's budget to compete with massive U.S. incentives, but the aim is to claim a portion of the growing clean-tech industry, not to go head-to-head with the world's biggest economy, a senior Ca
March 08, 2023

EU to propose new rules for boosting renewable energy production

The European Union's executive body is ready to provide permissions, regulatory support, and easier access to public and private investment for some key green technologies, according to its draft document.
March 02, 2023

Gas shortage is unlikely to hit Germany next winter, research suggests

Germany is not likely to encounter a gas crisis this winter and should postpone the conversion of floating liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminals to fixed ones, a report by the DIW economic institute said.
March 01, 2023

Germany scales up energy transition to strengthen renewables industry

Germany has identified three core measures including financial support to boost energy transition technologies as well as increased green power generation and transmission to regain its position, Economics Minister Robert Habeck said on Tuesday.
February 23, 2023

Germany to quicken power market reform amid rising demand, minister says

Germany must act quickly to meet its renewable energy targets if it wants to keep the lights on amid rising energy demand, Economy Minister Robert Habeck said.

Habeck is looking to overhaul the 550 terawatt hours (TWh) per year market, as demand rises
February 22, 2023

Indonesia’s energy transition continues to face headwinds

Indonesia is one of the world's leading coal producers. Nonetheless, it has pledged to cut back on its usage of fossil fuels in the near future.

Last year, Indonesia signed five agreements to cut its carbon emissions. Among these was the $20 billion Ju
February 22, 2023

Europe may face tighter energy shortage next winter, IEA's head warns

Fatih Birol, head of the International Energy Agency (IEA), has warned of potential energy shortages next winter due to a lack of new liquefied natural gas (LNG) entering the market, while China's appetite is set to rise this year.
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