
March 26, 2025

Petersberg Climate Dialogue sets stage for COP30 without U.S. at table

The 16th Petersberg Climate Dialogue was held on March 25 in Berlin, Germany. This two-day meeting will decide the agenda for the upcoming United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP30) in Brazil later this year.
February 12, 2025

95% of countries miss UN deadline to submit 2035 climate pledges

Just 10 of the 195 parties signed up to the landmark Paris Agreement have published their new emissions-cutting plans, known as “nationally determined contributions” (NDCs), by the 10 February deadline.
February 05, 2025

Germany joins India in bridging green skills gap, but youth might not engage

Germany is increasingly looking outwards to find skilled workers to fill its green labour gap, especially to India.
December 20, 2024

Coal will be a central pillar of COP31, wherever it’s held

In the shadows of COP29, two of the world’s most coal-dependent countries are still bidding to host the UN climate summit in 2026, offering what could be a unique moment to renew focus on coal, write two climate analysts.
December 10, 2024

Analysis: Why the $300 bln climate-finance goal is even less ambitious than it seems

At COP29 in Baku, developed-country parties agreed to help raise “at least” $300bn a year by 2035 for climate action in developing countries. Yet it faced a strong backlash from many developing countries, with some branding it a “joke” and “betrayal”.
November 26, 2024

COP29: Five key takeaways from Brazil’s 2035 climate pledge

Brazil’s new climate pledge, launched at the COP29 climate summit in Baku, aims to cut greenhouse gas emissions by as much as two-thirds by 2035 compared to 2005 levels.
November 25, 2024

COP29: Four key highlights from the UN climate summit in Baku

After intense debates, an agreement to increase climate financing was reached, though many countries remain dissatisfied with the outcome. In addition to the financing agreement, what other key developments took place at this year's summit?
November 22, 2024

Will China assume more responsibility for global climate finance?

As the New Collective Quantified Goal on climate finance approaches at COP29, China’s stance is drawing significant attention.
November 21, 2024

NCQG draft sparks outrage as COP29 fails to bridge finance divide

COP29 released a draft climate finance proposal on Nov. 21, but key details regarding the scale, sources, and mechanisms of the funding remain unclear. This leaves member countries with the challenge of reaching a consensus in the coming days.
November 20, 2024

COP29 week two: Key updates on ASEAN’s climate actions

As the United Nations Climate Summit (COP29) enters its second week, what are the latest climate actions and policies from ASEAN countries worth noting?

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