
August 25, 2022

EU transport emissions up 7% in 2021 while other sectors drop sharply

Numbers of gas emissions in Europe’s source sectors such as energy industries and industrial processes have fallen, showing a significant progress in the bloc’s air pollution and climate change efforts since 1990.
August 24, 2022

Vietnam needs financial, technical assistance to achieve net zero target

Vietnam has reviewed its greenhouse gas emissions since 2010. However, the data on emission reduction has yet to be completely collected owing to the lack of requirements on reporting and evaluating results.
August 17, 2022

EU greenhouse gas emissions move upward to pre-Covid levels

Greenhouse gas emissions in the European Union in the first quarter has increased since 2020, but they remain below pre-Covid levels, according to data released by Eurostat.
August 03, 2022

Amazon’s carbon emissions increase 18% last year driven by pandemic shopping

Amazon emitted 71.54 million tonnes of carbon emissions in 2021, up 18% from 2020 and a jump of 40% from 2019, according to its sustainability report issued Monday.
August 02, 2022

Taylor Swift, Drake, the Kardashians criticized for the biggest private jet emitter

Marketing and analytics agency Yard recently published a list naming the celebs with the worst private jet carbon emissions based on the purported use of their privately owned jet planes since the start of the year by examining flight tracking maps.
July 05, 2022

Foxconn pushes supply chain to switch to 100% renewables

Foxconn has pledged to reach net zero carbon emissions for its operations in Taiwan by 2030, and to support more than 100 major suppliers in switching to 100% renewable energy by 2050, according to the electronics giant’s 2021 CSR report.
June 24, 2022

Carbon dioxide emitted by cement sector doubled in two decades

Carbon dioxide emissions from cement production have doubled in the last 20 years, according to emissions scientist Robbie Andrew of Norway’s Centre for International Climate and Environmental Research (CICERO).
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