
September 16, 2024

Indonesia’s new government targets $65 bln green fund through carbon credit revenues

Indonesia's new government intends to establish a green fund, raising capital through the production and sale of nature-based carbon removal credits to invest in more green projects and achieve a net-zero goal by 2060.
August 19, 2024

Singapore, Philippines unite to retire coal plants early with 'transition credits'

On the 16th, Philippine energy giant ACEN, Singapore’s green investment company GenZero, and multinational company Keppel signed a memorandum of understanding to develop clean energy solutions aimed at helping coal-fired power plants retire early and obta
August 07, 2024

One-third of voluntary carbon market credits fail to meet additionality standards: ICVCM

Due to a lack of additionality, nearly one-third of carbon credits in the global voluntary carbon market do not meet high-quality standards, according to ICVCM.
August 06, 2024

Understanding carbon credits: A guide to Taiwan's carbon credit trading and regulatory landscape

While carbon dioxide is seen as the primary culprit of global warming, carbon credits are treated as a tradable commodity in financial markets. This article will explore what carbon credits are, how they can be obtained through activities like tree planti
August 01, 2024

New SBTi research highlights importance of carbon credit quality, expert says

SBTi's draft on Scope 3 carbon credits is delayed, with a report showing most carbon credits fail to meet climate goals. Industry researcher warns that this highlights the increasing importance of carbon credit quality.
July 10, 2024

Google bets on carbon removal amid AI-driven emission surge

Google's previously acclaimed operational carbon neutrality was disrupted last year. Instead of relying on carbon offset, Google is now focusing on developing carbon removal technologies to compensate for the remaining emissions they can't reduce.
June 28, 2024

Jurisdictional REDD+: A new frontier in carbon credit market

The acquisition methods for carbon credits are complex and varied. Now, a newer category, "Jurisdictional REDD+" (JREDD+), has emerged, potentially increasing market demand by six times and prices by up to fourfold compared to traditional REDD+.
May 30, 2024

UK carbon trading to include waste-to-energy, carbon removal

The UK ETS Authority announced on May 23 that it is launching a consultation on the inclusion of waste-to-energy, waste incineration, and carbon removals in the carbon emissions trading system.
May 29, 2024

Singapore, Ghana ink carbon credit agreement allowing firms to offset carbon tax

Companies in Singapore aiming to offset part of their carbon tax liability will soon be able to purchase carbon credits from projects in Ghana, following an agreement signed between the two countries on May 27.
May 28, 2024

Masidi says Sabah's first carbon credit trading will gradually yield tangible benefits

It will take some time for Sabah to realize the tangible benefits from trading its first carbon credits from the state rainforest, said state Finance Minister Masidi Manjun.
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