
Foxconn to buy 70 million kWh of green energy in Taiwan by 2030


Foxconn, Taiwanese electronics manufacturing giant, has signed an agreement on Friday with Foxwell Power, a subsidiary of solar power supplier Shinfox Energy, to procure 2.36 million kWh of green electricity this year. 

The company stated that it will raise the amount of green energy it buys every year to a total of 70 million kWh by 2030 as part of its efforts to attain net zero emissions in Taiwan. 

According to Foxconn, the purchasing plan will reduce carbon emissions by 35,140 tonnes, which is the equivalent of planting 2.92 million trees.

Foxconn’s ESG policies, which aim at promoting renewable energy, clean production and green manufacturing, echo the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, which include “affordable and clean energy,” “responsible consumption and production,” and “climate action,” the company said. 

Hung Jung-chung (洪榮聰), Foxconn’s chief environmental protection officer, said that as a founding member of the Taiwan Alliance for Net Zero Emission, the company would devise measures to track greenhouse gas emissions at all of its plants to aid in its efforts to reduce carbon emissions and increase green power usage.

As stated by Hung, the measures will help the firm achieve its objective of net zero emissions by 2050.

In addition, Hon Hai joined the Carbon Disclosure Plan (CDP), in which the company discloses its actions to address climate change. Meanwhile, it has pledged to take actions to fulfill the goals proposed by Climate Action 100+, requiring its plants around the world to comply with the Paris Climate Agreement and the local government’s voluntary carbon reduction target and carbon emission policy.

Foxconn also expects its reduction plan to be verified and approved by the Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi) by 2023. 

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