
Vietnam targets rooftop solar power for 50% office and residential buildings by 2030


In attempt to tackle the challenges from electricity supply in the coming years, Vietnam’s Deputy Prime Minister Tran Hong Ha has signed Directive No. 20/CT-TTg, focusing on reinforcing power-saving initiatives for the period of 2023-2025 and beyond.

The directive outlines several key objectives, including an annual goal of at least 2% electricity consumption reduction nationwide. It also aims to decrease power loss within the entire power system to less than 6% by 2025 and reduce the peak load capacity by applying power demand management programs to achieve a capacity reduction of at least 1,500 MW by 2025.

Furthermore, the directive highlights the goal of achieving self-sufficiency and self-consumption of rooftop solar power for 50% of office and residential buildings by 2030. Additionally, by the end of 2025, all street lighting is expected to transition to LED lights.

To ensure the success of these objectives, Tran Hong Ha emphasizes the need for coordination among ministries, agencies, local authorities, businesses, and associations to develop and implement electricity-saving plans. The involvement of local power companies is important to achieving a minimum annual electricity saving target of 5% across various sectors.

Public lighting systems and outdoor decorative lighting providers are tasked with setting power-saving plans, aiming to save at least 30% of electricity consumption in the 2023-2025 period for lighting activities. Besides, restaurants, hotels, commercial establishments, office complexes, and apartment buildings are encouraged to lower outdoor decorative advertising lighting by at least 50% during the evening peak hours.

The Prime Minister also encourages households to install rooftop solar power systems and solar water heating systems. Manufacturing enterprises are urged to take part in voluntary agreements to apply energy-saving solutions, and rooftop solar installations, and receive consultation on energy efficiency.

The Ministry of Industry and Trade is responsible for implementing programs to promote rooftop solar power in businesses and households. It will also focus on popularizing energy-saving equipment, such as air conditioners, refrigerators, LED lights, and washing machines.

Moreover, Vietnam Electricity is directed to optimize the operation of power plants and transmission grids to effectively utilize primary energy sources and reduce power loss. 

The Prime Minister concludes by emphasizing the need to mobilize electricity from various sources, including hydropower plants, independent power plants, renewable energy sources, and customer backup power. Technical management, grid renovation, and upgrades are highlighted to intensify the safe and reliable operation of the power grid while minimizing electricity losses.

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