
Quang Binh Province aims to be Vietnam’s biggest green energy center


The Quang Binh Provincial People's Committee of Vietnam stated in the 2021-2030 (2050 Vision) Quang Binh Provincial Plan, the province plans to develop large-scale green energy power generation and become Vietnam’s largest green energy center.

The province will implement various wind power projects to develop its technological potential. The total capacity is 6,009.9 MW; of which, 5,090.9 MW for the period 2021-2030 and 919 MW for the period 2031-2050.

For solar power generation, the total capacity of the project is 13,504.5 MW; divided into 1,230 MW for the period 2021-2030 and 12,362 MW for the period 2031-2050.

Regarding thermal power generation and gas-fired power generation, in order to ensure consistency with the national energy development plan (the adjusted National Power Development Plan 7, PDP7), the province will implement the "Quang Trach Electricity Center Project", with a total capacity of 2,400 MW; and a gas-fired power plant project in the Hon La Exclusive Economic Zone with a total capacity of 3,000 MW.

In addition, the plan also sets out directions for the development of other power generation energy sources: hydropower (total capacity of 124.8 MW, of which 22 MW is for the under construction "La Trong Hydropower Project"), waste-to-energy (42 MW), geothermal power (29.89 MW), biogas power generation (32.82 MW) and biomass power generation (318 MW). All the above points are described in the Vietnam's National Power Development Plan 8, PDP8.

According to the secretary of the provincial committee, Vietnam's Central Region, especially Quang Binh, has huge potential for electricity. At present, the total capacity of the power system in operation in Quang Binh Province exceeds 375 MW. In addition, the province is also realizing several major national energy projects.

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