
Southeast Asia's largest steelmaker verified by BSI in greenhouse gas inventory


Hoa Phat's Dung Quat complex plant. (Photo: Hoa Phat Group)

Hoa Phat, Vietnam's leading steel manufacturer, announced on Feb. 21 that the greenhouse gas (GHG) inventory report of the Dung Quat complex plant that meet ISO 14064-1:2018 standard, has been verified by the British Standards Institution (BSI). This standard is a crucial "permission" for global steel industry players, especially for exporting to the EU market.

ISO 14064-1:2018 is an international standard, aimed at global sustainable development, it requires organizations to quantify and report greenhouse gas emissions and removals.

The process from report preparation to certification took approximately one year. Starting in June 2023, Hoa Phat engaged a consulting firm to inventory greenhouse gas emissions for 2022-2023 according to the ISO 14064-1:2018 standard. By the end of November, they invited BSI to conduct on-site verification as an authorized party and successfully passed.

In January 2024, Hoa Phat also completed an assessment according to the ISO 14067:2018 standard about the carbon footprint calculating of its products in complex plants. They anticipate obtaining the certification of BSI by April.

Hoa Phat is the largest steel manufacturer in Southeast Asia. In response to market trends and requirements, they allocate 30% of their investment to environmental projects, apply advanced production technologies from G7 member countries, and improve overall processes and energy efficiency.

In just two major plants, Hai Duong and Dung Quat complex, the total electricity generated from waste heat can reach 2.4 billion kWh, with 80% used for production activities. Moreover, the carbon emissions from power generation by waste heat recovery in the coking and steel process are significantly lower than those from traditional coal-fired power generation.

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