
Thailand’s Suvarnabhumi airport plans to be “green airport” with solar rooftop


The Airports of Thailand (AoT) has successfully installed solar rooftop panels on the terminal of Suvarnabhumi Airport in Bangkok. This is part of a broader initiative aimed at achieving a target of sourcing 20% of the airport’s electricity from green energy within the next two years.

Kerati Kijmanawat, the Director of AoT, highlighted the significance of this solar rooftop project in the airport’s journey to becoming Thailand’s first “green airport,” emphasizing its role as a model for other airports seeking to adopt eco-friendly practices.

With a capacity of 4.4 MW, the solar power system is set to provide electricity to the terminal.

Additionally, these rooftop panels are expected to contribute to a reduction in terminal temperatures by up to 7°C, leading to a 2% energy saving from the air conditioning system. Kerati also highlighted the potential annual savings of over 11 million baht from the project.

Moreover, the adoption of solar rooftops is projected to reduce carbon emissions by over 3,600 tons each year, which is equivalent to the carbon absorbed by approximately 360,000 trees.

AoT’s futre plans encompass an expansion of solar panel installations, including both rooftop panels and floating solar panels within the airport premises.

Alongside these initiatives, AoT envisions achieving a 20% cut in the airport’s electricity expenses by installing 50 MW of solar panels by 2025. This comprehensive energy effort involves multiple stakeholders, including AoT, the District Cooling System and Power Plant Company, Egat, PTT Plc, and the Metropolitan Electricity Authority.

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