February 17, 2025
Indonesia’s risky gamble with sea sand exports
Restarting exports to neighbouring countries could fuel ecological devastation, but a sustainable approach to sand dredging may be possible.
January 24, 2025
Indonesia’s Lake Poso faces biodiversity crisis amid rising deforestation
The forests around the ancient Lake Poso in Indonesia’s Central Sulawesi province are being lost to mining, oil palm plantations and smallholder farm expansion, threatening both unique species and local residents.
December 11, 2024
Nickel mining’s toll on Indonesia’s small islands: stories of resistance and survival
Independent journalism collective, Project Multatuli, traces the struggles faced by communities being threatened by mining companies – from water supply and health issues, to loss of land and livelihoods.
December 06, 2024
Small-scale fishers of Indonesia and China face similar issues
During our workshop in Bali, experts from both nations found common ground when comparing the hurdles to sustainable coastal communities.
October 29, 2024
Will Indonesia’s biodiesel push put its climate goals at risk?
Environmentalists warn the plan to increase palm oil content in biodiesel will mean more deforestation, despite its association with renewables.
January 10, 2024
Indonesia plan to restore nearly half a million acres of forests from oil palm plantations
Indonesian government officials recently ruled that 200,000 hectares of oil palm plantations are planned to be returned to the state and converted back into forests, and that figure may increase.
December 20, 2023
Geothermal coffee process used in Indonesia speeds up processing
Geothermal energy has the potential to generate direct social benefits through direct use applications. This potential is currently being realized in Indonesia with the introduction of the Geothermal Coffee Process (GCP) by PGE in West Java.
October 31, 2023
Indonesia flies first commercial flight with palm oil-blended jet fuel
Indonesia conducted its first commercial flight on Oct. 27 using palm oil-blended jet fuel, as the world's largest producer of the commodity pushes for wider use of biofuels to reduce fuel imports.
February 22, 2023
Indonesia’s energy transition continues to face headwinds
Indonesia is one of the world's leading coal producers. Nonetheless, it has pledged to cut back on its usage of fossil fuels in the near future.
Last year, Indonesia signed five agreements to cut its carbon emissions. Among these was the $20 billion Ju
Last year, Indonesia signed five agreements to cut its carbon emissions. Among these was the $20 billion Ju