
Indonesia rolls out free carbon tracking system for Southeast Asian businesses


(Image: East Venture)

The Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, in collaboration with East Venture, a venture capital firm, and the Indonesia World Resources Institute, has jointly introduced ECOVISEA (Emission Calculator and Visualization Southeast Asia), a carbon footprint tracking system specifically designed for Southeast Asian countries. The platform is made freely available for businesses, aiming to accelerate the progress towards achieving net-zero goals.

Businesses only need to create an account on the website, complete the registration through verification process, and then follow the instructions to upload data. This process allows them to access real-time and visualized data on their dashboard, including detailed emission amounts and trend analyses over time.

Avina Sugiarto, partner at East Ventures, stated that this system significantly streamlines the previously manual calculation process. It is specifically designed for Southeast Asian businesses including Indonesia, and is accessible to companies of all sizes, regardless of their scale.

The current ECOVISEA carbon footprint tracking system not only encompasses Scope 1 and Scope 2, which include emissions from direct corporate activities and emissions from the use of external energy respectively, but it also involves Scope 3 which include certain aspects from the supply chain and other indirect emissions. The official full version is expected to be done and launched by the first half of 2024.

In a statement, the Vice Chairperson of Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Shinta Kamdani emphasized that calculating greenhouse gas emissions for businesses is necessary and fundamental step. Through this process, companies can reduce their environmental impact and make informed decisions to achieve their net-zero goals.

The emission factors for ECOVISEA are provided by the German startup Climatiq, aligning with the Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHG Protocol) and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 14067 standards for carbon footprint calculations.

Due to a shortage of talent and relevant knowledge among many Indonesian businesses, the number of enterprises calculating their carbon footprint is relatively low. In response to this, the government has introduced this system with the aim of assisting them in streamlining the analysis process. They assert that the system is user-friendly and accessible to businesses of all industries, regions, sized, or even level of experience.

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