
Blue Bird invests Rp250 billion in IKN for greener transport


(Photo: Blue Bird)

Indonesian President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo launched the eco-friendly public transportation project on Dec. 21 in the new capital of Nusantara (IKN), East Kalimantan, in collaboration with Blue Bird, the largest taxi service company in the country.

“The launch of environmentally friendly transportation will help accelerate the development of an electricity-based public transportation system in IKN,” Jokowi said during the launch ceremony.

He also pointed out that Blue Bird has invested Rp250 billion to develop green transportation. The investment would later be used to procure electric rapid transit buses to support urban services, electric taxis, electric rental cars, and electric public buses connecting Balikpapan and the new capital city.

Blue Bird Group, Jokowi added, will also provide integrated supporting facilities with smart technology, including bus stops, park and ride, transfer points, and depots.

(Photo: Blue Bird)

According to the president, this project is in line with the initial concept of IKN. “Which is a green area, a green environment, green buildings, green transportation, green electricity, green energy. Everything must be green.”

He also expressed his appreciation to Blue Bird Group for its commitment to fostering green transportation at IKN, which would create a future of sustainable community mobilization and a healthier, cleaner environment.

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